Avoid Costly Breaks,
Service Interruptions and Save Money
Fracta’s Likelihood of Failure (LOF) model holds insights from over 125,000 miles of pipe and over 300,000 of water main breaks trained on.

Fracta's Likelihood of Failure allows you to prioritize pipe replacements using machine learning

With thousands of miles of pipe in your infrastructure, which do you replace first? Utilities need a fast, accurate and affordable way to evaluate the condition of their water network. Go beyond just a pipe’s age and break history to identify the Likelihood of Failure (LOF).
Improve The Data Quality In Your Network
Use smart A.I. algorithms to plug holes in your existing data in order to make the best possible prediction decisions
Improve Short Term & Long Term Master Plans
Ensure your planning procedures are operating with the most data possible by getting LOF predictions for 3, 6, 12 and 24 months
Reduce Non Revenue Water With A Data-Driven Approach
Objectively understand where the weaknesses in your water main network are more accurately, and more affordably than before
Our Platform

Apply over 150 different environmental and geological variables to improve the accuracy of your predictions

Just because a pipe is old does not mean it needs to be replaced. Fracta's LOF tool helps utilities identify which pipes need to be replaced based on a myriad of factors, ensuring good pipe is left in the ground and bad pipe is replaced before it breaks.

Isolate Individual Risk Factors

Find out which factors have the highest impact on your likelihood of failure scores using our proprietary Fracta Importance Factor (FIF).

Using machine learning our advanced model is able to list out the individual risk factors for any given pipe on your network. This allows you to better understand trends in your own network and how to make decisions that will reduce the overall risk within your water main system.

Easy To Use, Easier to Maintain

Fracta’s toolset can be up and running in as little as two weeks depending on the quality of your data. Need help with data? Our advanced data reconstruction tools can supplement the holes in your data.

Fracta is not like other complex tools on the market and does not require hours and hours of work to use. Simply continue tracking your data as you do and share it with us quarterly for the most up to date LOF results.

Fracta was an efficient and effective company to work with. They were able to use the city's GIS data without any time required by city personnel for interpretation or analysis work. They provided a compelling result, showing what their company can do for future planning of water pipeline replacement. They are a state-of-the-art company in the rapidly evolving area of water main replacement prioritization that could help improve the City's planning process.

City of San Diego Consultant Performance Evaluation

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